Chapter 2
How To Capture Leads From Facebook
Brett Lewis
Definition of “sales lead”: Inquiry, referral, or other information, obtained through advertisements or other means, that identifies a potential customer (prospect).
In general, a lead is defined as someone who has an interest in your product and has the authority to purchase your product. A lead is not just a Facebook ‘Like’ since someone who likes your page may not have the authority or means to actually purchase your product.
Before someone can purchase from you, they must also have a need for your product. They may be interested in your product and have the means to purchase it, but they may not need it at this time. For instance, they may already have a similar product or they could be hesitant to change their current processes. That’s why a lead is so important!
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How To Capture Leads From Facebook
Now that we have an established definition of a lead, let us dive into how to start generating these sales leads from Facebook. You can generate leads from Facebook in one of two ways:
- Direct Leads
- Indirect Leads
Direct leads are generated by sharing content that links directly back to a form on your website where visitors can share information in exchange for an offer, an ebook, coupon, or so on. This form is housed on a landing page dedicated to that specific offer.
Indirect leads are generated by using Facebook as an influencer on the path to conversion. For example, if you shared a blog post that had a call-to-action to a landing page at the bottom of the post, your initial Facebook share is helping ultimately direct visitors to that landing page.
While directly promoting landing pages is an instant gratifier of leads generated, providing content without a form makes your Facebook presence a friendlier home for content that your fans will want to come back for.
Use Call-to-Actions
Facebook removed a clause from its Facebook Page guidelines that prohibited users from using calls-to-action on, or in the caption of, cover photos.
This change unveiled various opportunities for you to call your Facebook fans to action with your cover photos. Here’s an example from Make-A-Wish America promoting an Arm Wrestle Challenge event it’s hosting.
Make Events For Webinars
Webinars are a very effective tool for generating leads and Facebook makes it easy to spread the word about your webinar. The webinar model is a great way to establish yourself as an authority on the topic and consequently generate targeted leads.
If you decide to host a webinar, capture leads from Facebook by creating a custom event page for that webinar. There are a couple advantages to this strategy. One is that when you invite someone to an Event, they will then receive notification for popular activity on that Event page. A Facebook Event is also more visible than a standard Facebook post.
Run Facebook Ads
According to a SearchForce study, Local ad spends will increase to $152.2 billion in 2018.
This is likely due to the targeting options Facebook can provide due to the database of information Facebook gathers from users’ profiles and geo-fencing options. These targeting options help you narrow down your audience to help increase the ROI of the Facebook ads.
While we’ll cover advertising on Facebook in more depth in the next chapter, here’s an example Facebook ad that appears to the right of a user’s Facebook Page with targeting based on interests.
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